Tag: baby
When Do Babies Start To Crawl?

When Do Babies Start To Crawl?

Your little one is growing so fast, and now it is time to crawl. Are you ready to chase your child? Better be! Crawling doesn’t happen overnight, even if it might seem ...

When Do Babies Start Smiling And Laughing?

When Do Babies Start Smiling And Laughing?

Is there anything cuter than a happy child? Its sweet laughter and lovely smile. No, probably not. Well, maybe puppies? No. When it comes to your baby, nothing can ...

Baby Language Development: First Sounds and Words

Baby Language Development: First Sounds and Words

In many cases, many years pass from the moment of the occurrence of a standstill in the development of speech and language to its diagnosis. During this time, trying to get ...

When do Babies Start Teething

When do Babies Start Teething

The very first tooth is a significant event in every child's life. It can, however, be quite uncomfortable. The more a parent knows about the process of teething, the better he or ...

5 Baby Teething Remedies

5 Baby Teething Remedies

Like the name suggests, teething is a process of baby's teeth erupting through the gum. It typically starts when the child is around six months old. While it's a perfectly ...

Newborn Cold: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Newborn Cold: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Chances are your baby's first cold is coming this winter, and possibly even earlier. There are a few things you can do to minimize their discomfort. Knowing how to treat cold in ...

8 Home Remedies for Sick Baby

8 Home Remedies for Sick Baby

When it comes to common infant illnesses, parents have always looked for natural cures. Today, the use of home remedies for babies is quite common. Whether it is honey that ...